Justin Berenato

Justin Berenato has been in the land business since the start of his career. He began his journey in the land survey industry over 15 years ago as a survey crew member and rose through the ranks to Party Chief and eventually ended up as a Project Manager overseeing all field operations for a survey firm located in Hays County. His combined knowledge of Texas real estate regulations and local planning processes allows him to offer a unique set of skills for anyone looking to sell or purchase farm and ranch land in Central Texas.
In 2009 Justin obtained his Texas Real Estate License and uses his proficiency in Texas land history, deed research, easements, boundary lines, platting, and subdividing to assist his clients.
Justin enjoys bow hunting, fishing, and target shooting. He has been married to his best friend Cassidy since 2010 and has two beautiful daughters - Ellie and Emily. He'll take any chance he can get to explore State and National Parks with his family in their RV.
Justin focuses on farm and ranch properties in Hays, Caldwell, and Bastrop Counties.